Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Our values, Our perception, Our truth

This week's challenge is difficult in terms of seeing others perspective.  At times when we feel as though we are in the right, it can be challenging to see the other persons point of view.  Knowing their perspective is reality and their truth helps in terms of trying to understand where they may be coming from. 

I see this happening all around me where lines are drawn in the sand and people are unwilling to cross the line in fear of being wrong.  There is no right or wrong per sae but the truth lives somewhere in the middle, doesn't it?  If this is the case, being compassionate and understanding can do nothing but help.

Are you putting too much pressure on yourself with remaining on your side of the line in the sand?  Even if emotions are strong, there is always an opportunity to work on bridging the gap between perspectives and finding the truth that lives between.

In the video posted below, there is discussion on our values, our persception and our reality being our truth.  I hope you find it as thought provoking as I have.

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