Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekly Challenge Asking for Help

Thanks for your patience during this past week. I realize there was a gap in communication regarding the weekly challenge however, the message was to "wait" and so I did...

As I am still contemplating why this was the case, I gather it is about making sure there are not too many items on the priority plate, which feeds right into the challenge for this week!

OK angels, I get it!!

This week's challenge is about asking for help. For some, this can be as natural as breathing but for many more, it can be quite a challenge to ask others to help out with a project, problem or support.

The angels say we do this as a way of control. Although it is a false sense of control, the angels say this is why we try to manage everything on our plates verses asking others to help out. Control is not the only factor however. There can also be a sense of failing or not being good enough if there is a need to reach out to others and ask for support or assistance. In a world where this is reinforced in many ways, it is easy to see why more of us tend to try and manage everything on our own with as little help or support as possible.

In the words of the angels:

"Please try to understand that your heart yearns for unity. With this, we ask for you to open your hearts and allow others to enter. Trusting others divine is part of the equation. We also want to assure you that part of the process of being is the allowance of vulnerability. Reaching out to others in the way of assistance requires a certain amount of your guard being lowered and while we understand this is of concern to you, we assure you there is goodness and love in this process. Your heart yearns for unity with others and the sharing of each other's compassion and strengths only compliments your already divine given attributes. Allow yourself to trust in others and their ability to help you in your time of need. This is in many cases a way of your personal and spiritual growth towards love. In this, your heart will see the gifts others have to offer you and the love beyond what you have allowed yourself to see or experience thus far in your lifetime.

We only wish for you to be closer to the knowing of love. We ask for you to try and make use of the gift of help that others are so willing to provide to you in love and light. Within this message, we also ask for you to call upon us, the one's you speak of as angels. We are there to help you in your challenges and gifts yet to be discovered. Ask for our help with your heart and mind and know we are always and ever present awaiting your call. We love you dear child and see the love that lives within you. Allow yourself to see this love and discover what it feels like to have others experience this love as it broadens in it's expansion in love."

We are asked this week to think of one challenge, situation, project, etc. in which help from another or others would be of value. Once you have determined what your situation will be, decide who would be best in terms of asking for help and ask away! You may just be surprised at the response and the level of help you will receive. In this, the angels say there will be a need to let go of some of the control and fear carried within the situation but to try and work through this with their help.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Our values, Our perception, Our truth

This week's challenge is difficult in terms of seeing others perspective.  At times when we feel as though we are in the right, it can be challenging to see the other persons point of view.  Knowing their perspective is reality and their truth helps in terms of trying to understand where they may be coming from. 

I see this happening all around me where lines are drawn in the sand and people are unwilling to cross the line in fear of being wrong.  There is no right or wrong per sae but the truth lives somewhere in the middle, doesn't it?  If this is the case, being compassionate and understanding can do nothing but help.

Are you putting too much pressure on yourself with remaining on your side of the line in the sand?  Even if emotions are strong, there is always an opportunity to work on bridging the gap between perspectives and finding the truth that lives between.

In the video posted below, there is discussion on our values, our persception and our reality being our truth.  I hope you find it as thought provoking as I have.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekly Challenge Perception

Have you heard of the saying "perception is reality"? Well, this holds true in terms of thechallenge for the week. We are asked to look at our perception and that of others. Do you think your perception is "right" and someone else's "wrong", or is your perception "wrong" and theirs "right"? What if I were to say you are both "right"?

Take a look at the image above. What do you see? A young woman? An old woman? Something else? Well, whatever you see, you are right. You see, your perception is your reality, just as anothers perception is their reality. In the same space and time, what we know to be true in the moment is our truth.

Having said this, we are asked to challenge our perceptions to see beyond what we believe to be our reality and understand the perception others have. Weather you consider it right, wrong or indifferent, it is in fact their perception and thus holds truth. Become aware this week of what you perceive and notice what others perceive before responding. In this, you will be able to gather more information and understanding of how to bridge the gaps within the truth of each reality.
Here is another picture to illustrate perception. What image do you see when you first look at the image above? Did you first see faces or a vase? Did you notice anything else? Where were your eyes drawn? Whatever you see is your truth and is your perception to have. Understand however that another person looking at the same image may have a differing view than yours and is still "right" in their perceptions.
In the perception pyramid above, you can see what happens to us. At the foundation are our thoughts. Surrounding all of this are both internal and external influences. Some examples may be friends, family, loved ones, our upbringing, work, associations, etc. To note, these influences have an impacted on each level of the pyramid. From what we think, we say and then do. How we are perceived is the final outcome of the stages within the pyramid. As you can tell, it is a complex matter and to note that the filters we have, the influences surrounding us feed into our perceptions and that of others.

The angels ask for us to take a closer look at what we perceive to be real and what we hold others to within our reality. In some senses, we are asked to see beyond our reality and understand that there is more to each of us than what we believe to be true.

In the words of the angels:

"We ask for your truth to be uncovered. Not the one you allow others to see and what you yourself believe to be true but the real truth. The one that lives at the foundation within your heart. Your love is greater than that of your perceptions. Your reality and that of others is shattered due to the circumstances of your place and time. This is up to you to make the needed changes and bridge the gaps between your truths and combine this thought with heart centered love. With this, grow in your understanding and compassion for others. Their truth is also your truth. You may not see this as there are many influences in the here and now that complicate matters but it is for your best interest to break through the barriers that have been created within this reality. It is in fact not reality but non-realistic living in a way that love is not at the foundation of this truth. Ego truth can become convoluted within this source and makes it difficult to see one as truth in love. Try dear child to see yourself as one with love. In this, perception no longer exists but reality in love emerges. Come to us and ask for our help for this is a complex image for most to comprehend in your world however it is accomplished through desire and challenge that your commitment towards understanding will shine with love at the surface."

Challenge yourself this week to see beyond your perception and look deeper into the perception of others. All the while, work to bridge the gap between your realities to form one sense of being.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Katy Perry-A ray of light

According to Wikipedia, born Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson (born October 25, 1984), better known by her stage name Katy Perry, is an American singer-songwriter. Born in Santa Barbara, California, and raised by Christian pastor parents, Perry grew up listening to only gospel music and sang in her local church as a child. After earning a GED during her freshman year of high school, she began to pursue a career in music. As Katy Hudson, she released a self-titled gospel album in 2001, which due to the closing of her record label, was deemed unsuccessful. She later recorded an album with production team The Matrix and completed the majority of a solo album from 2004–5; neither of which were released.

For a the rest of Katy's story, see

Today, Katy is a popular icon for many to hear and see.  If you listen to some of her lyrics, you can clearly hear her roots come through with passion and love.  Her light shines for all to know.  I came across this song "Who am I living for?" on YouTube and felt inspired to share a bit of her story and this song.  We all have our crosses to bear and her question to us all is 'who are you living for'?

Today is a new day, yesderday has already passed and tomorrow does not exist yet.  Live for today and be confident in who YOU are living for!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Weekly Challenge: Oh Say Can You See?

Weekly Challenge-
Oh Say Can You See?
The words to the American Star Spangled Banner keeps playing over in my head. For a while, I wondered why....being an American, I wondered what this would have to do with a weekly challenge where my angel friends live all over the world. After further guidance, I now understand the message was not about the patriotism of being American but some of the words carried within the song.
"Oh say can you see, by the dawn's early light. What so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming?" How do you interpret this? From the angel's perspective, these words are important for us to work on for this week's challenge. As each evening ends and a new day begins, we are asked to see each day as a new start. What we hail at the twilights last gleaming may be something in fact to leave as the new day arrives. Have you heard of the saying "what happens in the past should stay in the past"? Well, according to the angels, this is some of what is being asked of us. Not in terms of processing feelings of past experiences but allowing for the experiences to not become who we are today, with the understanding that every day is a new opportunity to start a new!
As a side, I had to stop writing this week's newsletter to pick up my children from school. On the way home, my daughter Ella belted out "Oh say can you see, by the dawn's early light"...NO exaggeration!! Just another way confirmation of this week's challenge from the angels!!
In this week's challenge, we are asked to commit to leaving yesterday's challenges behind and see each day as a new beginning, an opportunity to start each day a new! Write down your worries or concerns each day at the end of the day and commit to leaving them behind. Start each day by saying:
"Today is a new day, filled with hope, dreams and possibility! I commit to letting today be a new, fresh chapter full of opportunity for me and those around me!"
In the words of the angels:
"Why are your experiences held onto so tightly? They do identify who you are in growth and perspective however, can weigh your spirit down if allowed. Growth through experiences is expected and with this, we ask for you to work through your feelings of past experiences to give right to the present. Living in the now of the moment can help you to persevere in a place and time where focusing on the love in your heart is more of a given verses a forced portion of life. We do not say this to provide your heart with hurt but rather for you to see that your past is your past and living there does not provide closure or rise to the love within. This particularly applies to past experiences that you relate to as "bad" or "not acceptable". From this, ask yourself 'why do I hold onto things I had no control over to begin with'. You may know this in spirit but in mind struggle to let it be. Remember, control is a form of oppression and does not allow your heart to rule. There is a need for your heart and your head to work together in conjunction but more often than not, the head has more say. We ask for you to focus on the dawn's early light, letting go of what needs to remain in the twilights last gleam of the sky."
Challenge yourself this week and I ask you...Oh Say Can You See?