Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Affirmation for the day

"I am a capable person and I can handle anything that comes my way."

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Today's affirmation: I see my parents as tiny children who need love

I have compassion for my parents' childhoods.  I now know that I chose them because they were perfect for what I had to learn.  I forgive them and set them free and I set myself free.

Selected from

Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekly Challenge extracted from the weekly newsletter

Weekly Challenge March 27, 2011 - April 2, 2011

Change is here dear friend! If you have not joined yet, consider becoming an active participant and challenge yourself to say "YES"! Engage yourself in making the changes you wish to become! Say "YES" to you! You deserve to be your own creator of change and lay the path towards personal success. We all have our own paths and destinies in this lifetime however, pushing yourself to grow as you move along your path will lead you closer to the divine love within. Join us in the weekly challenges and say "YES" to YOU!
Weekly Challenge-
Turn discouragement into HOPE
This week's challenge came through loud and clear! In a world where there is so much change, it is easy to become discouraged. Feeling like you don't have any control over things that are impacting your life or the lives of others can lead to these feelings naturally.
The angels ask us to turn our discouragement into HOPE, to believe and have faith that there is a reason for all things that happen to you, to all of us. During these times, it can become very easy to feel like nothing is going your way and that you have little control over the changes you wish could happen. Believe there is a reason for your place and time and know the angels are with you along your journey. Having said that, the angels know it can become more difficult for us to see their perspective on life. They have asked for daily inspirations/affirmations to come into play during this challenge. If you have a way to commit to positive affirmations daily, GREAT! Please commit to reading a positive affirmation several times a day and contemplate on how this applies to your life in order to see things from a different perspective. If you do not have access to receiving positive affirmations, I will be posting one daily on my blog.
In the words of the angels:
"Your thoughts are your being. We ask for you to consider beyond your logical thinking into your heart where the words of positive love exist always. We see your sorrow, fears and worries and only wish for you to know there is more at play in your life than you give rise to at this point in time. Be positive and know love exists. What is not in your control was never yours to control in the first place. This may not feel good for you to hear but it is truth none the less. With faith in our words, the flow of your life will come easier in terms of seeing the love that exists in all things. Know we are with you always, in all ways and we see you for the love you truly are. Give this challenge thought and put the words given this week into action. Feel them in your heart and know that truth exists in this place. We see all of the turmoil that change has for you but know that change happens for you to grow and flourish more and more in your truth, in your love. We ask for you to try and have faith in this place of love as there is so much more in store for you. Just wait dear child, wait with patience and know new doors are about to open for you to go through and experience love in a deeper and more positional way."
When we are able to see things from a different perspective, we can become inspired and help to inspire others around us. Challenge yourself this week and turn discouragement into HOPE!
Today's affirmation:
Beautiful like GOD

There is something so sweet, so innocent about children. It's difficult to put a handle on but it is there all the while. Beautiful like GOD. Something that I think we take advantage of until we see it fading away. When children age, their innocence can be removed by what we consider as the "harshness" of what we interpret as "reality".
Bring joy and beauty like that of children into your world...remember who you are, Beautiful one like GOD. It is still there, just under the surface waiting for you to remember. Waiting to blossom like that of the sweet flower in the morning dew.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Check out the blog talk radio!

AngelsTeach Radio is an inspirational, angelic guided channel focused on love and light!  I was blessed to be on the show last night and had a blast!!  Hope you enjoy!

Contemplating this week has brought up the need to lighten up!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weekly Challenge - Quiet Contemplation

What is the intention of quiet contemplation?  To think, to consider, to explore yourself and how you interact with the world around you.  Like the process of self-discovery, quiet contemplation is just that…an internal, intrinsic approach to being.

Contemplate about what was and what could be.  Be in this space of reflection and peace.  In some senses, my lateness in this week’s challenge is the need for us to contemplate and explore the quietness within.  In continuing throughout this week, see yourself as a calm body of water with no ripples or movement.  As the definition of contemplation notes, contemplating is thoughtful observation or study and is also noted as an intention or expectation of something to come (for example a contemplating a career change or any change you are looking to explore).

In the Stages of Change Model, first developed by Prochaska and D’Clementi, contemplation is the beginning process towards change.  In order for any of us to make real changes in our lives or behaviors, no matter what type of change, contemplation is an absolute component.

Chart extracted from the web-site: 
This site also has great detail on "The Recovery Wheel" model as noted above.

From the words of the angels:

“Children of the light, your wish to change is evident and much needed in a world filled with what seems to many of you as loss.  Your loss is but a need for you to change in the state of the world.  Your needed changes in your thoughts and actions are evident and although you know this as truth, fear of change creates an unbalance in your minds and leads many of you to remain in a stuck feeling.  We ask for you to take the time in quiet contemplation and look at those things you wish to change.  As well, we ask for you to remember the goodness that exists in your life.  Often child, you look at what is not working and forget to reflect upon what is good and in love.  Action is needed and we ask for you to explore your space and time and commit towards change in your world, in your life.  With your changes will create a ripple effect and others will be impacted in a positive light.  With one change comes many.  Think of the quiet body of water that you are tempted to create waves, like a child who just wishes to play by throwing rocks into the water, just because.  Your contemplative stage will lead to your desire to take the next step towards needed changes.  Stay the course as we tell you changes in your life are coming.  Go through this process of contemplation and begin to see that change is possible.”

Quiet contemplation can seem easy but it will take commitment for you to go through this process.  Take time this week to reflect in prayer and meditation towards your truth.  Commit to this week’s challenge of quiet contemplation and work towards the changes you would like to see in your world.

Friday, March 18, 2011

An important message from an angel friend!

I received the message below from an angel friend yesterday.  She is quite gifted and has a lovely spirit and presence about her.  Please read her email below and continue to pray as this is the message the angels are intending for us to hear at this time.  Let us all pray together at this time for peace and love, healing and calm.

Hello to all my earth angel friends,

The angels have asked me to send out a CALL for prayers. They have told me that there will be a VERY powerful full moon on Saturday March 19 that has the ability to cause a great tsunami. This powerful moon only comes about once every 18 years. I have been asked to please ask all healers to send healing energy to the oceans as you ask them to hold back.  Start joining me in prayer to hopefully avoid this. 

I am not one to spread doom and gloom I am sending out a plea from the angels. 

If you could take just five minutes at 11 am and 11pm to join in a prayer with the angels it would be so helpful they have said to tell you.

God bless all of you.  I am sending you Love and Light!    


14165 Fenton Road, Suite 102-B, Fenton, MI 48430 USA
For more information on Carrie (AKA The Angel Lady) visit:


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Do you really know Mother Theresa?

Mother Theresa
A woman of prayer and love.  An icon for all of us to look to and admire for her selfless acts of love and kindness to others.  I might not believe in all she stood for under the Catholic faith but I have to say she is someone I truly more than ever.

In this week's challenge, we are asked to pray.  As I prayed this morning, I was reminded of the writing found on Mother Theresa's wall, which is as follows:

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.  
   Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.  
   Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. 
   Succeed   anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. 
   Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. 
   Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. 
   Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. 
   Do good anyway. 
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. 
   Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God. 
   It was never between you and them anyway.

Words to take to heart and I pray we all find peace from them.  When looking for this lovely letter, I came across something I did not expect and had missed during the time of it's prevalence.  In 2007, there were several stories about the life of Mother Theresa.  Not the Mother Theresa you may have heard of but one that the media portrayed as a woman we should question. 

Apparently, during the process of the Catholic church petitioning for the canonization of Mother Theresa, letters intended in confidence to a priest and friend at the time from Mother Theresa had surfaced.  In these letters, Mother Theresa pours out her heart regarding her own confusion of faith in GOD.  Quoted from TIME in partnership with CNN WORLD from an article called Mother Teresa's Crisis of Faith by David Van Biema Thursday, Aug. 23, 2007:

"That absence seems to have started at almost precisely the time she began tending the poor and dying in Calcutta, and — except for a five-week break in 1959 — never abated. Although perpetually cheery in public, the Teresa of the letters lived in a state of deep and abiding spiritual pain. In more than 40 communications, many of which have never before been published, she bemoans the "dryness," "darkness," "loneliness" and "torture" she is undergoing. She compares the experience to hell and at one point says it has driven her to doubt the existence of heaven and even of God. She is acutely aware of the discrepancy between her inner state and her public demeanor. "The smile," she writes, is "a mask" or "a cloak that covers everything." Similarly, she wonders whether she is engaged in verbal deception. "I spoke as if my very heart was in love with God — tender, personal love," she remarks to an adviser. "

For the full article go to:,8599,1655415,00.html#ixzz1GlWfHznt

Although the media tried to portray this woman as faithless and undeserving of sainthood, I believe it shows she is as human as the rest of us but lived her life for service regardless of her internal struggles.  Who of us can say we do not doubt GOD (whomever that may be to you) or our faith during times when we see destruction, war, poverty and chaos?  Why is that such a bad thing?  What if it is part of our process in growing closer to our creator, to question everything, including creation?  We are but "children", aren't we?  Her outer smile and inner turmoil are but one of the ways we are all taught as a society to act and be.   This woman has done more for mankind than most can commit to.  Although she questioned her faith in GOD and love, she still devoted her life to serving others.  Her messages of love are truth and the foundation we should all strive to live by.

With much admiration for Mother Theresa, I leave you with her words on a clean heart.  I hope that in her prayers she found the connection with GOD and was able to come to peace with her life and faith.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekly Challenge 3/13/11 - 3/19/11 Just Pray

Sunday is typically when I connect with the angels about the upcoming week's challenge.  Yesterday was a bit more of an unusually busy day.  I began to worry I would not get to the weekly challenge and the angels answered "it's ok, let it's part of this week's challenge".  Although I was not completely comfortable with the idea, I let it go.

This is the first opportunity I have had to truly connect with the angels as it has been busy with sick children and work.  As I began to connect, I heard "just pray".  I asked for clarity and again heard "just pray".  At this, I understand it is our challenge this week to simply pray.  Pray for clarity, reason, forgiveness, hope, needed healing for ourselves and others, for the world at large.  Pray for understanding and commitment, logic and truth.  For the ability to determine the best course of action and for the ways to approach this action.  Ask in prayer for healing of this planet during this great time of change.  For the hopes and dreams to continue to come to light and for the true knowledge of how to interpret their intentions.  Seek guidance from the love of GOD and that of the angels, GOD's eternal helpers.  Look for reasoning behind the here and now.  Ask for the ability to know why the sun rises and falls and the intention of the cycles of the planet, seasons and all of life.  In the words of the angels:

"Now more than ever is the time to pray.  Your heart yearns for answers in truth and love.  With the changes occurring in your place and time, it is easy to cause confusion and misunderstanding of the truth in love.  Pray for love to surface and answers to be provided.  In this time of much change, we ask for you to try and gain patience that the truth will come to terms with reality and when this occurs, you will understand the logic and truth.  With prayer comes peace.  With prayer comes love.  Your prayers are for yourselves but it is often the time when we find acts of self-less, ego-less wonder occur.  You often pray for others during your heart connection with GOD and ask for the love of the lord to provide healing and love.  When this occurs, love exists in your heart.  You not only heal yourself but work to heal the likes of many without even knowing you are participating in the process.  Just pray dear child.  Reflect into your prayers as if there is nothing else on earth to do.  We ask you to pray at this time as there is much healing needed for the likes of many.  You can see this where devastation hits and will continue to surface in the weeks and months ahead.  Just pray we ask, simply pray and be in love."

With this, I believe this week's challenge comes at a time of confusion of what tomorrow might bring and what yesterday represents.  While this might not make complete sense to you, the angels often speak to me in metaphors and at this, tomorrow and yesterday fall into place perfectly.  Instead of the anxiety of what might be and the worry of what already passed, we are asked to just pray for today, for the here and now in the moment of being.

I pray that you find peace and love in this week's challenge.  Peace to you all.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Surfing the web

FREE Angel Card Reading!!
Thank you Dyan Garris of Voice of the for this wonderful free angel card reading!  I just tried it and I could relate to the messages and were based in love and light.  Very loving and inspiring messages!

When scanning the internet today, I came across this quote as feels right on the money.  Thank you Helen Keller!

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.”

Helen Keller quotes (American Author and Educator who was blind and deaf. 1880-1968)

So many inspiring people, I love it!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Little did I know...

Little did I know others would be reaching out to me this week in the way the angels have asked for us to reach out and touch someone.  What I've discovered in the process is that re-connecting can also bring up old feelings or new one's that are ready to surface.  In this, reaching out can actually be a painful process but in the end, the truth heals and brings us closer together if we allow it.

It's funny, I never expected each week to be challenging and rewarding yet I find every single week learning and growing in myself and with the support of the angels.  I have said before that the angels know me better than myself and are truly my friends and additional partners in this life.  With this, I find at times I try and push them away and want to be "normal" and not listen to their guidance or loving messages.  But what I find is they are always waiting there patiently and in love for me to get over myself and move forward.

Although we are only in our 3rd month of the new year, there have been new and challenging adventures for sure!  What will this year bring us?  Full of growth and abundance most definitely....if we allow it and try not to fight the current that is stronger than us, the one that works to help us learn and understand love in a deeper and more meaningful way.

With this, I wish you love and a wonderful night.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Becoming closer, Drifting apart

Poppy's Love Cards

Poppy's Love Cards
 With your enhanced understanding of connecting with others, we ask you...does your current circumstances bring you closer to others or provide space which leads to drifting apart?

Combine your mind and heart and look inwards to discover this truth.  There is so much for you to understand but you are all connected in spirit.  With this, you never truly drift apart however, in your physical form it happens quite often. 

You do not intend for it to happen sometimes and others feels right based on timing and circumstances.  We ask you to look within and discover this truth.  Are you drifting apart from those in love for reasons that make sense?  Reaching out to others who may not be as close as you'd like will provide a way of knowing that you should be together or remain distant.  Closure is important and relevant in any case for those who will not come closer to your heart.

Remember, love is all around you in all ways, always.  Bringing love in and becoming closer enhances this feeling.  Providing closure can also provide this feeling as you will allow yourself and others impacted to heal and move forward with love and hope.  Look within your heart and take note of yout true feelings.  Discover your truth and move towards it!

Love to you always,
Angel Androphial

Monday, March 7, 2011

Reach Out and Touch Somebody's Hand - Diana Ross

This song has been in my head all day! Boy, how appropriate to this week's challenge. Reach out and touch somebody's hand make this world a better place if you can!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Weekly Challenge 3/6/11 - 3/12/11 "Reach out and touch someone"

How easy is it to get caught up in our everyday lives?  So busy at times we forget to stay connected with the one's we love in ways that feel right.  Our busy lifestyle can lead to missed opportunities of being connected from a heart centered approach.  

From friends to family, colleagues and community affiliations, our  heart centered connections can be missed with the day to day expectations we have in our lives.  Although we never intend to loose sight of our heart centered connections, our lives have a way of leaving most of us feeling as though there is just not enough time in the day.

Do you remember the old saying "reach out and touch someone"?  This week, the angels challenge us to make time for connections from a hearted centered approach, by reaching out and touching someone.

Touch someone with your words and actions...
Re-connect with someone dear to your heart where time has come between you.
Send a "just because" card or email to someone special.
Call to say "I've been thinking about you". 
Find opportunities to say "you do a great job".
Be honest with those you love.  Let them know how much they mean to you.
Create moments to say "I Love You".
Show affection with hugs and kisses in ways outside of your norm with those you care about.
Do something for your community group as a sign of your love.
Ask for help (this works in a powerful way in connecting with others).
Connect, connect, connect!

As I write this, I think of my daily interactions.  My husband, children and I have created our own way of recognizing each other.  "I Love You" is a common phrase in our home and we all give lots of hugs and kisses.  We do the same with our extended family but I have to say that it is not with the same intensity as our immediate family.  This is not on purpose but more so in being caught up in the day to day activities of life. 

None of us intentionally neglect those we love or those who hold importance in our lives but it can happen naturally in the way we have created our family and social norms.  The angels ask for us to make this week's challenge a priority and reach out to our heart centered connections and touch someone with our love!

Challenge yourself to say "yes" reach out and touch someone!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Assurance within reflection

Sometimes you just need some amount of seeing yourself as what you desire and the rest can fall into place with others encouragement! There is something to reflecting and getting assurance bounced back as a result!  Try it!  Have confidence in what you see inside and reflect it to others around might be surprised as the reassurance you receive!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Battle between the mind and soul

I have to admit, I have had difficulty this week particularly with the challenge of reflection.  Those angels have a funny way of bringing things to light at the right time and in the right way...even if it does not feel good!

Earlier in the week, I received a call that I had hoped would have a different outcome.  I had wanted to hear "yes" but received a loudly echoing "no, thank you".  My ego took over and I entered into a funk.  One that allowed my mind to take over and I could hear the voices in my head that we all strive to move away from...I'm not good enough, worthy, etc.  Instead of resisting, I allowed my feelings to surface and temporarily feel sorry for myself.  In some ways, I find this helpful instead of covering up my true feelings as it allows the process of healing to happen sooner than later.

I think that's why I have not blogged regularly this week, using more video's than anything because I have been trying to work through my mind, my ego.  It's funny, I knew a while ago that the answer was going to be "no, thank you" but I resisted and did not want to believe this.  I can see this is all ego based living but the truth is, none of us want to hear "no" when it has to do with our worth, or what we consider our worth.

Yesterday, I heard from the angels "when you allow one door to close, another will open".  Last night when my husband was reading emails he turned to me and said "when you allow one door to close, another will open".  I looked at him in surprise and asked for him to repeat what he had just said.  He was reading an email I had received and that was the title.  I have to say, it is helpful to have the angels around during times like this in order to get over myself much quicker than I used to.

Even though I have to admit that I am still fighting my ego, I have allowed myself to look towards new goals today.  It is rather exciting and feels my soul.  My soul has been telling me all along that it was time to let go of certain ways of thinking or wanting to be but my mind has had a stronger influence.  Messages have been provided to me for some time but I have chosen not to listen to the entire truth, my soul's truth which always has the answers needed to move forward in the direction of my highest good.

I trust in closing this door that a new one will open.  One that is in my highest good and will bring me closer to my soul's purpose.